Homework 1

Altering brand logos, and designing signs is crucial to the citizens of the world. When anything goes through the designing phase workers focus on making it appealing to the eye being simple and to the point. As redesigning a logo for a company, why change something that is not broke, If a company was losing business then it would be acceptable to change some things up and make it seem like there's a new company but in reality its the same company that's trying to bring business and reinvent themselves. In a way, it's like how car companies, such as chevy, designed the Silverado for a couple years to mimic the looks of the old 70's body style. chevy trucks tend to keep the same body for 7 years. 2014-2015 were to change it up and see how everyone would react to to a subtle throwback. the newest body style ditched the square fenders to put round ones in, again, to change it up.
As companies produce products that have flaws, it catches the people's eye and draw that attention from the rest of the product; making it distracting to understand what it is all about.
