Movie poster plot

What is a simple enjoyable trail ride out in Wharton forest quickly turns into something that cant be changed. Stephen Carty steals his jeep on a damp October night to explore the beloved Wharton state forest but it’s not what it seems. Fog quickly floods the surrounding area for what looks like miles. There’s one hole with no go around so theres only one way which is through. He starts spinning all 4 tires and no movement whatsoever.
Through the trees he can hear groaing and leaves rustling then eventually water splashing. At this point Stephen thinks this is the end. Zombies, trying to break into the jeep; however Stephen has something the zombies don’t have, brains. He makes more noise bringing them closer and faster with them pushing and rocking the jeep it eventually frees it from the deep ruts making him able to speed off to escape the zombies for time to think and come up with an idea to get rid of the zombies. He turns around, with zombies limping and running down the rest of the trail he floors it running over all the zombies.
